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作者:   编辑:王轩   审核:    时间:2020-08-14 点击数:




全球气候变化与植物适应响应Global climate change and plants adaptive response




2005年9月-2009年6月  信阳师范学院获理学学士学位  资源环境与城乡规划管理专业    

2009年9月-2012年9月    西华师范大学获理学硕士学位  环境科学专业

2012年9月-2016年6月    中国科学院成都生物研究所获理学博士学位  植物学专业


2016年7月-今 许昌学院城市与环境学院


(1) J Li; G Wu; Q Guo; H Korpelaine; C Li©. Fast-growing Larix kaempferi suffers under nutrient imbalance caused by phosphorus fertilization in larch plantation soil, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 417: 49~62 (SCI 二区)

(2) J Li ; Q Guo; J Zhang; H Korpelaineng; C Li©. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on growth and physiological traits of two Larix species, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 130: 206~215 (SCI 二区)

(3) J Li; T Dong; Q Guo; H Zhao©. Populus deltoids females are more selective in nitrogen assimilation than males under different nitrogen forms supply, Trees-structure and function, 2014, 29(1): 143~159 (SCI 二区)

(4) Dong T; Li J; Liao Y Chen B, Xu Xiao©. Root-mediated sex recognition in a dioecious tree. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 801.(SCI 二区)

(5) Guo Q; Li J; Zhang Y; Zhang J; Lu D; Korpelainen H; Li C©. Species-specific competition and N fertilization regulate non-structural carbohydrate contents in two Larix species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 364, 60-69. (SCI 二区)

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